Jack Pryde, Fleet Manager, Dunfermline Building Society.

Describe your fleet
We run 70 diesel cars from a mix of four manufacturers. Users are a mix of essential business drivers and user-choosers.

What is your favourite aspect of the job?
Despite giving out a ‘grumpy old git’ persona, having the trust of my drivers when I advise them to do something comes tops. I’m not really that grumpy (but don’t tell my drivers!)

What top tip should every fleet manager know?
Be aware of your drivers’ needs (not wants) and always strive for the win-win solution. It is possible but you have to communicate with – and educate – your drivers.

What are you working on at the moment?
Writing a green transport policy, including green vehicle procurement and eco-driving.

How is fleet changing?
While the fleet is not changing as such, the usage of the cars and the drivers’ perception of the car use is. Also, you have to think more about driver needs and driver behaviour.

What item could you not live without?
My Blackberry – I’m addicted to it! (Is there a help group out there?)