A new division of NorthgateArinso has been created specialising in automotive software applications.

As an opening shot across the bows of its new fleet management software competitors, the division has just launched a new website aimed directly at fleet managers - www.mycompanyfleet.co.uk.

The site offers two new fleet management software packages, which combine fleet tools into HR systems, aimed at public and private sector fleets.

The company is known for its HR software - it is estimated that one in three payslips in the UK is issued from a Northgate system.

But the company also has wide experience in the automotive sector and the new division will focus on automotive products both as an addition to existing HR applications and as stand-alone systems.

The division will be run by Andrew Leech who was previously with software specialist, CFC solutions.

“The automotive market has changed beyond recognition over the last ten years, the modern fleet decision maker is more likely to be a HR manager or procurement manager than a fleet specialist and this has led to a greater demand for fleet tools within HR systems,” explained Mr Leech.

“This is a logical step for the market as HR already manage benefit payments, expense claims and other policies and procedures effecting fleet. This new development means, amongst other things, that they can now do this from one single solution without sacrificing any functionality.”