Fleet CV: Laura Sharrott, compensation and benefits officer UK and Ireland, Tetra Pak

Describe your job.

I look after the company pension schemes, healthcare plan, job evaluation and the 175-strong car fleet – along with anything that doesn’t fall within general HR.

How did you get into dealing with benefits and company cars?

I have always worked as an HR generalist so when the opportunity came up with Tetra Pak for a role where I could broaden my experience within the wider HR sense, I jumped at it.

What is your favourite aspect of the job?

The variety – every day is different.

What are you working on at the moment?

Having just completed a comprehensive review of the company car policy focusing on reducing CO2 with improved economy, I am now looking to introduce fuel cards to our fleet to help drivers manage the increasing cost of fuel.

What would make your job easier?

I’m part of a great team who are really supportive and good fun – they make my job a lot easier.

What is your favourite holiday destination?

Skiing in the French Alps or going on safari in Kenya – both have been fantastic experiences.