You have just five weeks to enter the Fleet News Awards 2009. Fleet managers and suppliers are invited to choose their categories and order their entry forms online. Winners enjoy great rewards and the road to glory starts here...

The 21st annual Fleet News Awards ceremony will take place at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. It is the fleet industry’s biggest party and every year more than 1,300 people gather in the West End to celebrate success.

The Fleet News Awards are unique. Winners are chosen by a respected panel of judges, apart from two reader vote categories.They are awarded on merit and, apart from the judges, nobody knows the winners until their names are announced on stage. 

Judging takes several weeks and is focused on ensuring fair and relevant debate. New categories this year offer fleet operators and suppliers more choice and chances to win than ever.

Fleet Manager Awards 

  • Fleet Manager of the Year – sub-100 vehicles
  • Fleet Manager of the Year – 101-400 vehicles
  • Fleet Manager of the Year – 401+ vehicles
  • New Fleet Manager of the Year (new award for 09
  • Boardroom Initiative of the Year (new award for 09) 

Manufacturer Awards

  • Best Small Car
  • Best Small Family Car
  • Best Large Family Car
  • Best People Carrier
  • Best Small SUV
  • Best Large SUV
  • Best Small Premium Car
  • Best Large Premium Car
  • Best Executive Car
  • Best Luxury Car

Service Company Awards

  • Best Environmental Initiative (new award for 09)
  • Best Safety Initiative
  • Best Leasing Initiative
  • Best Short-term Rental Initiative
  • Customer Services Initiative

Headline Awards 

  • Fleet of the Year
  • Company Car of the Year
  • Fleet Manufacturer of the Year
  • Fleet Supplier of the Year
  • Platinum Award

How to enter:

  1. The fleet manager awards and the service company awards require entry forms.
  2. Order an entry form online and find more information about the categories and judging criteria at
  3. Completed entry forms must be emailed or posted back to Fleet News by midnight on December 12, 2008 – no extensions.

See last years event

Pictures: the entertainment
Pictures: the champagne reception
Pictures: the award winners