One of Britain’s biggest fleets, TNT, is claiming it will be one of the world’s greenest business fleets following its latest investment in clean vehicle technology.

The firm has just announced the creation of a new fleet of 100 zero-emission express delivery vehicles, ranging between 3.5 to 7.5 tonnes.

The company has already ordered 50 units from Smith Electric Vehicles and this week confirmed an order for 50 more, which will be used for inner-city work.

When delivery of all 100 vehicles is complete by the end of 2008, the company expects to save 1.3 million kg of CO2 annually.

Neil Griffiths, TNT director of health, safety and environmental, said: “With this latest investment in clean technology, we are probably the greenest fleet in the world.”

The move is the latest in a string of environmental initiatives at the delivery firm.

In 2007, it introduced a new company car policy which provides a £2,000 incentive for staff to take a low emission vehicle producing 120g/km or less.

It has also introduced an electronic fuel management system and has trained its employees to be more fuel efficient with eco-driver training.

The TNT fleet consists of almost 1,950 commercial vehicles and 930 company cars.

Its annual diesel fuel bill hit £24.83 million last year.