Employees face a gloomy year ahead with experts predicting a surge in unemployment figures.

Statistics now show the number of people unemployed and claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance has risen above one million.

Dr John Philpott, chief economist at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, said: “The latest unemployment figures are bleak and herald a return to the dark days of mass unemployment we hoped had gone forever.

“Sadly, it is now inevitable that things will become bleaker still. An annus horribilis awaits the UK jobs market in 2009.

“Although there is some comfort in the fact that there are still thousands of vacancies to be had, the number of jobseekers chasing each vacancy is growing by the day as unemployment heads toward at least 2.8 million in 2009.

“The worst job cuts are expected to hit between now and Easter,” Dr Philpott said.

In a bid to ease the situation, prime minister Gordon Brown has announced plans to create 100,000 jobs by bringing forward school repairs, new hospital projects, low-carbon schemes and infrastructure programmes.

It follows government plans to help businesses retain workers, assistance for those made redundant with training and placing in new jobs, and mortgage-protection schemes to limit repossessions.

An increase in public spending is expected to create the extra jobs and the move has been welcomed by business leaders.