How are you settling in?

Terry Oliver, Commercial vehicle business manager, Manheim Auctions

How are you finding your new role?

An excellent professional company induction together with an extended handover has given me the perfect start.

What is the main difference to your previous role?

Previously I was selling commercial vehicles to my account customers, now I am developing and managing vehicle disposals with them.

Do you need any specific skills or training for the role?

The ability to develop business relationships and good organisational skills are key.

What are you working on at the moment?

A new way of showcasing the full range of Manheim products and services to customers.

Are you planning any major changes?

Although I am responsible for managing account customers predominantly in the southern half of England, I live in Derby and can see tremendous, untapped opportunities for Manheim across the Midlands.

What advice would you give to somebody considering a role like yours?

Take a holiday before you start.