Road safety charity Brake announced its Road Safety Parliamentarians of the Year in a ceremony at the Houses of Parliament last night.

Gordon Prentice, MP for Pendle, received the National Campaigner award for his work in campaigning to stop the carnage of young people on UK roads.

Mr Prentice, who recently had his campaign for graduated licences rejected by the government, said: "I am delighted to receive this award.

"The work goes on to make ministers see sense."

Linda Riordan, MP for Halifax, received the Community Campaigner award for campaigning to introduce 20mph speed limits on local roads, following the death of her constituent, two-year-old Connor Graham.

“I have tried to raise the issue of road safety – too often overlooked by people responsible for transport policy,” said Ms Riordan.

“I never forget that behind every statistic often lies a tragedy for families, that’s why I will continue to support the work of Brake.”