Business concerns could be leading to company drivers using their phones while driving even though they know it puts them at higher risk of an accident.

Over 60% of motorists surveyed by 3M said they feared that if they stopped talking on the move it could have a negative effect on their business.

Over 20% believe they have to be contactable at all times.

Research undertaken by TRL shows that using a hands-free mobile phone while driving is more likely to lengthen reaction times than having 80mg of alcohol in the bloodstream - the current UK legal limit.

Professor Andrew Parkes, TRL chief scientist said he is concerned that employees may be feeling pressurised by their companies into making and receiving calls while they drive.

“As this has been shown to increase the chances of an accident by four times, it is a risk that employers need to acknowledge and manage,” he said.

“At some stage, I fully expect to see an employer sued by an employee involved in an accident due to being distracted by a business call while driving.”

As a result of the research 3M has banned its 4,000 UK and Ireland employees from using hands-free mobiles while driving.

The move was broadly welcomed by its customers, as John Klee of 3M explained: “When we carried out a survey of our employees, almost 75% said their customers had either welcomed the ban or were neutral about its introduction.”

This implies that, contrary to their drivers’ beliefs, businesses will not suffer if their drivers are out of contact while they are behind the wheel.

To highlight the dangers, the Fleet Safety Forum, the road safety charity Brake’s fleet division, is producing an information pack for fleet managers on the topic of driver distractions and how to eliminate them in conjunction with 3M.

Accompanying the pack will be a free leaflet for drivers giving the facts in favour of avoiding all distractions while driving, as well as a workshop for fleet managers, taking place on 18 March 2009 at 3M’s offices in Bracknell.

For further information about these resources and event, email