Fleets could save 10% for every company car they run if policies to cover areas such fuel management were properly implemented.

Examples of savings identified by GE Capital Solutions, Fleet Services car policy survey 2008 included an annual average of £170 per car through better fuel management and an annual average of £220 per car by capping CO2 to reduce National Insurance, Vehicle Excise Duty and fuel costs.

The survey examined 170,000 vehicles run by 700 businesses across Europe and found that opportunities to cut costs existed in a wide range of areas.

“A 10% saving for every vehicle represents a substantial reduction in fleet running costs,” said John Kelly, key solutions leader.

“There are a whole range of areas is which savings can be made relatively easily at every stage of a the life of a company car – from setting the choice policy before it is acquired through every aspect of its operation to the way in which it leaves the fleet.”