A new interactive calculator has been launched to show fleet managers the exact cost savings they can achieve by analysing GPS tracking information about their fleet.

Nine different pieces of data can be entered into the tool launched by VeriLocation.

They include the mpg of vehicles, price of fuel and cost of drivers.

Other calculations include a reduction in overall mileage through better routing, and reducing wasted and overtime hours.

The data can then be manipulated to show how fleet cost saving objectives could be achieved by using GPS information.

“The best example is that you can see immediate improvement in costs by changing the way your drivers drive,” explained VeriLocation’s Andrew Overton.

“If you want to see by how much you can save by lowering mpg by say 5% you input that to the calculator, and it generates a report suggesting how to use GPS data to manage speeds and driving behaviour.

"Most business owners are amazed at the bottom line benefits to be made.

You can use the calculator free at http://www.verilocation.com/roi.aspx