Almost half of employees (42%) are worried about taking sick leave because of jeopardising their jobs, according to research from Minster Law Solicitors.

The findings show that 64% of employees have serious concerns about the unstable job climate and would be prepared to forgo their basic rights to avoid risking job security.

According to the research, employees would also be prepared to work late, avoid legal action and reject a pay rise in order to remain in employment.

Almost a quarter (23%) said they felt under pressure to work later than necessary because they felt it looked bad to leave work promptly at the end of the day.

One in five would rather endure bullying (20%) or sexual discrimination (19%) in the workplace than seek legal advice, because they believe it could affect their job security.

More than one in seven workers would not ask to be paid for overtime in an effort to keep their jobs secure (16%) and almost one in 10 believe it may put their job at risk to accept a bonus or pay rise in the current climate (7%).

Matthew Briggs, chief executive at Minster Law Solicitors, said: “It is clearly an unsettling time for people and a large number are feeling under pressure to go the extra mile to ensure they keep their jobs.

"However, it is worrying that they are prepared to forgo basic employment rights in order to do this.”