Fleet management needs to become a profession rather than a stepping stone to a better job, says Peter Cooke.

The KPMG professor of automotive management and head of the centre for automotive management at the University of Buckingham told fleet delegates at the GE conference ‘future of fleet’ that the fall in fleet manager numbers due to the role moving into HR or being outsourced to a vehicle management company had to stop.

“This has to come back in house and I think it will over the next two to three years,” Cooke said.

But he added: “Fleet managers have been their own worst enemies – they need to press the case to be involved in strategic decisions. Fleet management hasn’t become a proper profession yet. Fleet managers need to be an advisor close to a board member; they have to exert a corporate role.”

Cooke believes fleet managers need to have a professional qualification similar to that available in HGV management. “How many fleet managers are qualified to offer advice on road pricing and environmental policies?” he asked.

“There is a huge role here in terms of communication that is part of the fleet manager’s role in the future.”

Cooke also predicts a change in the role of the company car away from a perk vehicle towards “personal business mobility”.

And he urges fleets to start preparing for the post-recession environment. “Ask yourself what fleet do you want in 12-18 months when we come out of recession. Prepare now,” he said.