A major new report into the car and van fleet market has revealed the extent of cost cutting plans among fleet operators in response to the ongoing economic difficulties facing the country.

The Fleet Strategy and Insight 2010 Report has been produced by Fleet News Intelligence, a division of leading industry newspaper Fleet News and is based on in-depth research and interviews with fleet decision-makers, suppliers and key industry leaders.

The report, launched this month, reveals that nearly 90% of fleet operators are working on plans to reduce spending into 2010 in addition to efforts that have seen a major reduction in fleet budgets this year.

The pressure to rein in spending is being driven by economic pressures facing businesses, but is also influenced by a range of other factors, from legislation to taxation, environmental issues and changing driver demands.

The report identified how fleet operators are responding to these challenges in a range of areas, from vehicle choice to fuels, accident management, use of technology and relationships with suppliers.

In addition to the fleet decision-maker’s viewpoint, the views of fleet suppliers were analysed in detail to assess how their vision of the future compared to their customers’ wishes.

The Fleet Strategy and Insight 2010 Report combined quantitative research with qualitative interviews to provide a detailed and in-depth assessment of the fleet market for next year.

Ian Richardson, general manager of Fleet News parent company Bauer Automotive B2B, said: “Fleets and their suppliers are undergoing significant changes, both in the way they operate and in their business relationships.

“This Report delivers a clear view on the changes that are affecting the market and assesses the key drivers that will be having an impact in 2010.”

The Fleet Strategy and Insight 2010 Report is available to order now at a special pre-order price of £750.

You can order your copy now within our Online Shop or contact Vicky Meadows for more information on 01733 468319 or email vicky.meadows@bauermedia.co.uk.

About Fleet Strategy and Insight 2010

The Fleet Strategy and Insight 2010 report includes:

  • Comment and analysis of the steps taken by fleets in response to the recession.
  • Detailed case studies with a range of fleet sizes.
  • Predictions for 2010 from leading industry bodies.
  • Fleet operator action plan.
  • Supplier action plan.
  • Views on the future of the fleet market.

About Fleet New Intelligence (FNi)

Fleet News Intelligence is a new brand from Fleet News, the leading industry newspaper for fleet decision-makers who operate cars and vans.

It will provide in-depth research on the key market issues affecting fleets and their suppliers, with regular reports and updates to provide put market changes in perspective.

For further details on FNi and for information about future reports and research, please keep an eye on www.fleetnews.co.uk

About Fleet News