The Environment Agency has cut its carbon footprint by 14% and has now pledged to do even more to reduce its impact on the environment by participating in the 10:10 campaign, which aims to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

Graham Ledward, director of resources at the Environment Agency, said: “By signing up to the 10:10 campaign organisations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental improvement.”

The Environment Agency’s pledge to cut carbon emissions is part of its overall commitment to reduce the environmental impact of all parts of the organisation.

As part of this commitment, the Environment Agency has announced a series of measures, including reducing miles driven internally. Over the last two years the Agency has already reduced its mileage by 8.9 million miles.

In addition, it now has one of the greenest, award-winning fleets in the country.

Ledward added: “Everyone at the Environment Agency has already taken big steps in reducing our carbon footprint, but we’re committed to making further improvements in the year ahead.”