The 2010 Fleet News Awards are the most influential and important awards in the fleet industry. Now in their 22nd year, they recognise the best people, companies and vehicles in the fleet industry.

And for 2010 there are 10 new or revised categories and a new judging process. Once again, the judging panel will be chaired by Christopher Macgowan, former chief executive of the SMMT, and audited by Deloitte. The awards will take place on March 17, 2010, at the Grosvenor House Hotel on London’s Park Lane.

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Fleet awards
Manufacturer awards
Supplier awards
Headline awards
The judges
How to enter
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See last year's winners
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Fleet Awards

NEW Fleet of the Year – sub-50 vehicles
Companies running up to 50 cars or vans (up to 3.5 tonnes).

NEW Fleet of the Year – 51-250 vehicles
Companies running between 51 and 250 cars or vans (up to 3.5 tonnes).

NEW Fleet of the Year – 251-500 vehicles
Companies running between 251 and 500 cars or vans (up to 3.5 tonnes).

NEW Fleet of the Year – 501-plus vehicles
Companies running more than 501 cars or vans (up to 3.5 tonnes).

Fleet Initiative of the Year
(2009 winner: Avon Cosmetics)
This award will focus on an initiative or group of initiatives. It can be in any area, from the environment to risk management, from vehicle choice to cost control, but it must show signs of being well-planned and executed, although it may not have reached its ultimate conclusion.

Fleet News Awards 2010

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Manufacturer Awards

Best Supermini
(2009 winner: Ford Fiesta)
This car must provide a cost-conscious solution, while offering practical motoring. Particularly important are low running costs, safety and low emission variants.

Best Lower-Medium Car
(2009 winner: Volkswagen Golf)
This sector represents the first cars which can classed as family models, so space, comfort and safety are paramount. Low running costs and low CO2 emissions are musts.

Best Upper-Medium Car
(2009 winner: Mazda6)
The ability to soak up high mileages in comfort is a must for the winner of this award. Competition will be among sub-160g/km models with a high level of safety and driver desirability.
Best MPV 
(2009 winner: Ford S-MAX)
The winning car must be practical and offer adaptable accommodation, yet also remain desirable to drivers. High levels of safety are a must, as is low running costs.

NEW Best Estate Car
An award open to all sectors of the car market, this award recognises the best estate car in terms of luggage cpacity, style, driver appeal, safety, cost and emissions.

Best SUV
(2009 winner: Ford Kuga/BMW X5)
Combining the small and large awards from 2009, this will reward the model which blends style, space, some off-road ability and residuals. A low CO2 variant will be a bonus.

Best Small Premium Car
(2009 winner: BMW 1 Series)
Traditionally the first step on the management grade ladder, cars in this sector need strong badge appeal, high residuals, low tax bills and competitive running costs.

Best Large Premium Car
(2009 winner: Audi A4)
Value for money, a broad range and tax efficiency all count for a lot in this category, but driver appeal is an important aspect. High levels of safety and strong RVs a must.

Best Executive Car
(2009 winner: BMW 5 Series)
The winning car will not only have a desirable badge, strong residuals and low running costs, it will also offer low tax bills thanks to low CO2 emissions.

Best Luxury Car
(2009 winner: BMW 7 Series)
Image and luxury are the key watchwords here, but not at the expense of wholelife costs and the environment. Efficient diesel models are key, as is choice of wheelbase versions.

NEW Best Technical Innovation
A new award to recognise the searing pace of development in the car industry. The winning innovation can cover any area, from emissions to safety to cost reduction.

NEW Green Fleet Manufacturer of the Year
With environmental issues closely linked to lower costs, this award recognises the manufacturer which has done most to reduce its CO2 emissions levels across its range.

NEW Most Improved Fleet Manufacturer of the Year
Another new award to recognise how seriously manufacturers take the fleet industry. The winner will have shown real improvements in terms of fleet market share and back-up.

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Supplier Awards

Environmental Award
(2009 winner: LeasePlan)
Designed to recognise the industry’s commitment to reducing its impact on the environment. It is open to service providers who can prove clear environmental benefits.

Safety Award
(2009 winner: Fleet Support Group)
This award will reward a product, service or a campaign that makes fleets safer by helping to help reduce deaths, injuries and overall risks facing drivers. Leasing Company of the Year
(2009 winner: Arval)
Recognising the best contract hire and leasing company, not just in terms of the product offering and range of services, but also customer care and innovation.

Short-term Rental Company of the Year
(2009 winner: Europcar)
As well as assessing network coverage, pricing, customer service and range of vehicles, this award will recognise add-on services and work on reducing emissions.

Customer Services Award
(2009 winner: Zenith Provecta)
Designed to recognise new initiatives that help make the running of a fleet easier and more cost-effective. This award wil lrecognise companies that go the extra mile.

NEW Training Award
Investing in training produces staff who are even better equipped to deal with customers. This new award recognises a company or organisation that has put training at the top of its agenda.

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Headline Awards

NEW Fleet Manager of the Year
Key to the success of any fleet operation is a dedicated fleet manager. For this award the judges will be looking for someone who has their finger on the pulse, not only of their fleet, but also of the wide array of issues which influence it.

Fleet Supplier of the Year
(2009 winner: Kwik-Fit Fleet)
Designed to identify the supplier which has gone the extra mile in providing exceptional service across any part of the fleet industry.

Company Car of the Year
(2009 winner: Audi A4)
This award is given to the car that demonstrates a wide range of talents, including wholelife costs, residuals, reliability, low emissions, safety and driver appeal.

Fleet Manufacturer of the Year
(2009 winner: Ford)

Being a successful fleet manufacturer is not just about selling cars, and this award recognises the huge amount of time and money spent by manufacturers in investing in products and support services that make a fleet manager’s life easier.

Fleet News Hall of Fame
(2009 winner: John Bradley MBE)
Every year two industry personalities are inducted into the Hall of Fame – one at the FN50 and one at the Fleet News Awards. Entry to this select band requires someone who has made an exceptional contribution to the fleet industry. There is no entry process, but nominations can be made by emailing (please include ‘hall of fame’ in the subject line).

The Judges

Fleet Awards: Stephen Briers, editor, Fleet News; James Langley, deputy chairman, ICFM; Julie Jenner, chairman, ACFO. 
Supplier Awards: Stephen Briers; John Maslen, events content director, Fleet News; Debbie Floyde, fleet manager, Bauer Media; John Pryor, car fleet and travel manager, Arcadia; Liz Hollands, fleet manager, DTZ.

Manufacturer Awards: Stephen Briers; Julian Kirk, deputy editor, Fleet News, Julie Jenner; Jason King, forecasting editor, EurotaxGlass’s; Martin Ward, manufacturer relationships manager, CAP; Tony Leigh, PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Headline Awards: Judges as above, relevant to the category.

How to enter

Fleet and Supplier Awards: Go to for entry details. Shortlisted fleet entrants will be invited to make a presentation to the judges. 
Manufacturer Awards: Judged by the panel. This year the awards will use a matrix points system to assist in ranking models on areas including wholelife costs, reliability, safety, residual values, economy, fleet support and driver appeal.

Headline Awards: Chosen by the judging panel and (for company car and manufacturer) reader votes.

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