Alphabet is issuing a driver’s guide on avoiding company car wear and tear charges to combat fleets facing bigger bills at de-fleet time.

Last year, the average recharge for damage was £246, but this year’s FN50 puts the average recharge at £278. The percentage of vehicles incurring a charge has also risen from 39% to 43%.

However, Alphabet director Mark Sinclair says he has not experienced similar levels with only around 20% of its vehicles incurring a charge.

“It’s not a major problem from our perspective and we certainly have not been escalating our charges to our customers,” explained Sinclair.

“The fact is we don’t want to have to bill our customers as it’s an extra process for us we would rather not have to undertake.”

Alphabet's guide shows examples of common faults and explains how assessors apply the widely-recognised BVRLA wear and tear standards.

“As with most company car problems, an ounce of prevention is generally much cheaper than a pound of cure,” said Sinclair. “Drivers need to understand that apparently minor faults can prove costly.”

The free guide can be used as a refresher by firms whose fleet policy already contains condition standards or as a curtain-raiser to introducing the option of sanctions on drivers.

It encourages drivers to check their cars regularly and to report damage immediately if it falls outside acceptable limits so there are no expensive surprises when vehicles are de-fleeted.

Fleets can order free copies of the guide by calling Alphabet on 0870 50 50 181 or emailing