Fleet News is presenting a series of videos from McLaren Automotive taking viewers inside McLaren and reveals their development plans for the MP4-12C.

In the first video ‘Inside McLaren: Developing the MP4-12C’, we get to see how McLaren Automotive fulfils its ambition to launch the MP4-12C as a genuine challenger to the world’s best high performance sports cars. 

The video also includes:

  • An introduction to the McLaren Technology Centre (MTC) and the MP4-12C test programme by McLaren Automotive Technical Director, Dick Glover
  • Chief Test Driver Chris Goodwin on how the 12C performs in extreme test conditions
  • An overview by senior engineers of the integrated approach to development on roads and tracks around the world and, virtually, back at MTC
  • 12C development (XP) prototypes on road and track in England and Germany, and extreme hot weather testing in Bahrain