Peugeot is considering entering the daily rental market in the UK with a new concept based on a customer loyalty card.

The plan, called Mu by Peugeot and set to be trialled in Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam before the end of this year, could come to the UK next summer if the pilot programme is judged a success.

Peugeot is aiming to reward customer loyalty by offer them a card on which they can accrue points - these points are then coverted into an entitlement to hire a vehicle from a dealership. According to the trial's pricing, a Peugeot 207 could be hired for 280 points - or £50 a day. Scooters, bicycles and vans will also be available to hire.

The plan is aimed at generating extra income from stock sitting in dealerships and will work along similar lines to BA's Airmiles concept.

If the scheme does come to the UK it will be trialled in London first, and could then spread across Peugeot dealerships in the UK.