Research indicates that almost half of all tyres are under-inflated.

This has an adverse effect on fuel efficiency, reduces the life of a tyre, and contributes to the handling of a vehicle increasing the prospect of an accident.

Statistics from the Department for Transport illustrate that a contributory factor in the death of 43 motorists in 2007, were illegal, defective or under-inflated tyres which also played a part in a further 984 accidents.

Now a new device has been launched to help drivers reduce under-infalted tyre risk.

The Tyre Alert Pressure Cap indicates when there is a reduction in the correct tyre pressure, of either 4psi or 8psi (commercial vehicles).

Mark Hotchkiss, commercial manager of Tyre Alert comments on the system: “There are several companies who have recognised the cost savings and safety benefits of Tyre Alert, and installed the unit on to their fleet of vehicles, including one of the UK’s leading power and gas companies E.ON.”