Traffilog is offering fleets a money back guarantee on its black box telematics solution if it hasn’t paid for itself within 90 days.

It claims fleets will reduce fuel costs by at least 10%, while maintenance costs will fall by 20% due to better driving habits. It also says accident rates will fall by half.

The Traffilog system was initially developed as a vehicle diagnostics tool, enabling cars to ‘communicate’ with workshops for servicing and repairs by plugging into the CANbus. Its real-time remote diagnostics covers temperature, oil levels, air pressure, brakes, clutch, gears and engine status.

It then evolved into a driver profiling product measuring harsh braking, sharp turns and high acceleration on a traffic light system to alert on poor driving.

A D-mas (driver manoeuvre awareness system) gives drivers a score at the end of every trip which encourages them to drive more efficiently.

The same black box also offers tracking and route planning, and can be updated with new functions.

Traffilog has signed up 30 customers in the UK and is predicting rapid growth next year. The company offers two types of payment: a 36-month contract paid quarterly all-in or an upfront charge for the hardware and a quarterly payment for the software.

Meanwhile, CarrierWeb has launched a suite of new telematics services including the ability to monitor in real time when a driver has been drinking alcohol.

Before a driver can start his engine, he must blow into an alcolock. If more than a set level is exceeded, the engine will not start.

The fleet manager will receive an alarm indicating that the driver has failed the breath test.

In addition, CarrierWeb Mobile has been launched combining the advantages of an on-board computer with the advantages of a mobile handheld unit.

As well as current features, such as CANbus interface, route geofencing and navigation interfaces, CarrierWeb Mobile now offers the capability to scan barcodes, digital signature capture for pick up or delivery confirmation and digital camera functionality to capture damages to goods or vehicle.