1. Upshift early Revving a diesel engine too high results in more fuel usage and no better acceleration. Change up at 2,000-2,500rpm.

2. Avoid high speeds Pretty obvious really but worth re-iterating. It uses excess fuel and is illegal too.

3. Use steady speed Harsh acceleration and braking don’t get you from A-B any quicker. Accelerate and then use the torque to let it roll.

4. Drive with foresight Looking ahead helps avoid unnecessary braking and thus save fuel.

5. Start up – drive off Don’t start the engine and then mess around adjusting the seats, mirrors, heating and sat-nav unit. It wastes fuel.

6. Use the technology On downward slopes, take your foot off the throttle and the engine will glide along without using any fuel at all.

7. Switch it off Don’t let the engine run unnecessarily. ECO start-stop turns off the engine after two seconds of idling. Vans that don’t have it should be turned off when idling for long periods. 

8. Get ’em off! Don’t carry unused items such as ladders and roof racks on the outside of the van unless you really need them.

9. What a load of rubbish Most vans are loaded down to the gills with rubbish that is never used. Get rid of it – it wastes fuel.

10. Tyres Under-inflated tyres waste fuel. Check them every week.

Source: Mercedes-Benz
See our special feature on saving fuel.
Read about Trevor Gelkin's driver training experience.