Despite efforts to improve risk management, van fleets are still leaving themselves worryingly exposed to some potentially deadly risks, according to insurer Aviva.

The results of a study by Aviva, which compares the attitude to occupational road risk by more than 1,400 fleet managers over the past three years, shows that there are still areas where duty of care needs are not being met.

For example, the proportion of fleet managers obtaining details of a prospective new driver’s accident history – at around 55%- remains unchanged.

Steve Shirley, Aviva’s commercial motor risk manager, said: “Fleet managers would be very well advised to check driver history, validate where possible and not be persuaded to take a driver’s word for it.” 

Although 65%of fleet managers do now have a driver fatigue policy – an increase of more than 20%since 2005 - Shirley believes this ought to be standard among fleets.

He said: “Fleet managers have a responsibility to make sure that employee workloads and drivers’ schedules are well planned to minimise the likelihood of driver fatigue.”