Look at the pictures to my left and you’ll see some of the industry’s top figures networking, laughing and waving trophies about – and then ask yourself why you weren’t there with them.

These are no ordinary people. They’re the fleet managers, manufacturers and service company representatives who’ve won Fleet Van Awards this year – and believe me that’s not an easy thing to do.

I was one of the judges and I was staggered at the depth of knowledge and dedication to the job that they displayed in their submissions. So how can you try and emulate these icons of the industry and maybe try for a gong yourself next year?

Well one good way would be to read this magazine regularly.
Each month we pack into its pages all the essential news you need to know plus lots of best practice features and useful road tests of the latest vehicles. If you’ve only just started in the job, most of our back issues can be found on our website.

Try and raise your game – and next year who knows? You might be joining us on the winners’ rostrum in 2010. Good luck.

Fuel and emissions data included in our tables

From next month, Fleet Van’s acclaimed running cost tables will be expanded to include fuel economy and CO2 emissions figures.

Since Fleet Van’s inception in 2001, the charts have proved an invaluable aid to van fleet managers when deciding which models to buy, as direct comparisons can be made between rivals.

However, the Achilles’ heel has always been a lack of data on economy and emissions, as such information was never made publicly available.

However, now these figures are required by law and Fleet Van has not been slow to add them for the benefit of our readers.

Editor Trevor Gelken said: “We’ve long wanted to include fuel economy and CO2 emissions but the information just wasn’t available.

“However now we can include them, I can categorically state that our running cost figures beat those available in any other magazine. They will now be an even more invaluable aid to all fleet managers.”