High-mileage van drivers who use high-energy drinks to keep them going have been warned that they could be a danger on the roads from weariness.

The US National Safety Commission (NSC) has issued an alert for those driving under caffeine intoxication, similar to warnings associated with drinking alcohol and driving. 

Research has shown that just an hour after drinking a highly-caffeinated and sugared drink, tired drivers can experience serious lapses in concentration and slower reaction times as the drink wears off.

Excessive caffeine consumption can cause similar symptoms to alcohol intoxication, according to the American Food and Drink Administration (FDA), which has attributed symptoms such as irritability, nervousness, irregular or rapid heartbeat, muscle twitching and rambling speech to what it terms “caffeine intoxication”. 

Seb Goldin, managing director of IAM Fleet and Drive & Survive, said: “Energy drinks are good as a quick fix, but they’re no substitute for regular breaks.”

Avoiding driver tiredness

  • Businesses should carry out regular driver risk assessments.
  • Businesses should ensure their driving policies reflect the impact that fatigue can have on drivers.
  • Stop every two hours for at least 20 minutes.
  • Consider stopping overnight on long-haul journeys.
  • Share the driving – don’t do it all yourself if you don’t have to.
  • If you start to feel tired while driving, find a safe place to stop and rest.
  • Only set off on your journey when you are properly refreshed.
  • Fatigue does not suddenly affect you – if you start to feel tired, do something about it.

Source: IAM Fleet/Drive & Survive