Leasedrive Velo Group has introduced a new electronic billing system for its rental management customers to reduce its carbon footprint and deliver a more efficient and streamlined service.

Roddy Graham, commercial director, at the Leasedrive Velo Group said: “Through e-Invoicing, we aim to eliminate at least 180,000 paper invoices annually by the end of 2010, saving approximately 90 tonnes of CO2 each year.

“This latest solution under Rental:Manager could not have come at a more opportune time with the current postal strike. We rolled out e-Invoicing last month to our customers who now receive their invoices on time, every time.”

Rental:Manager generates a certified invoice in PDF format for immediate delivery, either singly or in batches, to customers’ specified e-mail addresses. Customers have access to copy invoices 24/7.