The public sector has been given guidance on how to tackle its grey fleet problem.

Fleet News investigations have shown that many county councils have been paying their grey fleet drivers well above official reimbursement rates.

In addition, Fleet News uncovered serious failings in the way local authorities manage their grey fleet risk.

Now the Office of Government Commerce is helping public sector bodies to manage their grey fleet risk and reduce costs by finding alternatives to allowing employees to drive their own vehicles for business trips.

Last week it held a closed conference at which speakers gave guidance and advice to public sector fleet managers.

The presentations included:

The collaborative fleet programme (PDF,896KB)

Corporate Manslaughter Act 2007 (PDF,1480KB) 

Car leasing and rental industry (PDF,902KB) 

Occupational road risk (PDF, 722KB)

Sustainable transport, GPP & Quick Wins (PDF,1234KB)

Travel excellence in Derbyshire County Council (PDF,122KB) 

Change Management in grey fleet initiatives (PDF,2704KB)

Around the world in 40 minutes (PDF,77KB)

Sustainable travel plans (PDF,747KB)

OGC toolkit and the 5 Step process (PDF,1481KB)