Greater Manchester-based Seashell Trust has become the first charity to join the Government-backed Driving for Better Business campaign, which is delivered by RoadSafe.

While the Seashell Trust, which until last year was known as The Royal School for the Deaf and Communication Disorders, only has a small fleet embracing three minibuses, two people carriers and two delivery vans, approximately 75 privately-owned vehicles are driven on business trips.

Maximum compliance with the ever-growing list of laws, regulations and protocols governing occupational road risk management was the driving force behind the charity’s decision to bring transport within the charity’s overall health and safety management focus.

The charity’s occupational road risk management focus is being championed by recently appointed chief executive Mark Geraghty and is being managed by activities co-ordinator Alan Hills.

Geraghty said: “As a result of new legislation and specifically the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 we have developed and updated existing procedures with the involvement of our staff that voluntarily use their cars on work-related trips.”

Core to the launch of the safe-driving action plan has been the briefing of members of staff on the procedures to be followed for the ‘grey’ fleet and developing and improving these procedures with their assistance.

The new work-related road safety action plan includes driving risk assessments for each type of vehicle likely to be driven by members of staff including the seven ‘core’ fleet vehicles as well as their own car.