A white paper from Cardinus Risk Management aims to provide compelling evidence to help companies manage at-work road risk.

‘Managing work-related road safety – an insight into the requirement to identify and manage risks on the road’, gives managers guidance to implement an effective work-related road safety strategy.

It also helps them to make the strongest-possible case for financial and moral support from the entire company.

Marcus Noble, managing director of Cardinus Fleet, said, “This white paper has been prepared by respected industry experts to present the moral, legal and financial arguments for effective at-work road risk management.

"It brings together all the strongest reasons in just one document, giving you all the ammunition you'll need when seeking buy-in and funding from the board.”

Authors of the white paper are John Davidge and Dave Abbott, who have more than 60 years of road safety experience between them.

A free copy of ‘Managing work-related road safety – an insight into the requirement to identify and manage risks on the road’ can be obtained from www.fleet-safe.co.uk.