The Institute of Car Fleet Management (ICFM) has pledged its support to the Government-backed ‘Driving for Better Business’ campaign delivered by RoadSafe.

Core to the campaign’s ongoing success is the recruitment of high-profile safety-focused ‘business champion’ fleets - currently there are 37 - from across the public and private sectors who are prepared to showcase their own good at work driving practices, with the aim of encouraging other organisations to adopt sound occupational road risk management policies.

The ICFM, which currently has over 450 members, will seek to actively recruit new ‘business champions’ from within its ranks.

It will promote the ‘Driving for Better Business’ campaign to members via its website - - and with promotional literature in student packs.

In addition, it will distribute ‘business champion’ case studies to members to highlight the financial, business, legal and moral benefits achieved by implementing a safe-driving business culture across their transport operations.

Chairman of the ICFM Roddy Graham said: “Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is rising up the corporate agenda and becoming a ‘business champion’ of Driving for Better Business is a significant way of meeting CSR objectives, as well as exceeding own duty of care responsibilities.

“The human and financial cost of at work road accidents can never be over-estimated - just a single road death is one too many, let alone 200 per week. The more we can, as an Institute, encourage our members to champion the cause the better.”