Fleets using brokers to source lease vehicles will welcome news that the BVRLA has updated its code of conduct for intermediaries.

The move is the first of a series of measures that the BVRLA is implementing to improve broker standards across the sector.

The BVRLA leasing broker committee strengthened its code of conduct to help improve standards of professionalism and customer service in the sector.

The new code will take effect from 1 January 2010 and will place more emphasis on after-sales service.

It requires all BVRLA leasing broker members to play an active role in dealing with customer queries and complaints.

Members will have to provide clear guidance on how cancellations are made and communicated, together with details of circumstances in which a customer may be liable for a cancellation charge.

The new code also requires leasing brokers to make the full terms of any business they sign available to the leasing company providing funding, to improve transparency and to raise standards.

“This revised code reflects current business practices and legislation and will instil greater confidence among our member’s customers," said John Lewis, chief executive of the BVRLA.

The association is also looking to introduce a new accreditation process for leasing broker staff and a set of best practice customer service guidelines that focus on whole-life contract management, including the end-of-lease period.