Funding has started to ease for companies looking to replace their company cars and vans. That was the clear sentiment among leasing companies and manufacturers at a recent Fleet News dinner.
It’s more than simply wishful thinking. Manufacturers are confident that companies will start to recycle their vehicles after postponing replacements for much of this year.

See the December Small Fleet Review Digital > >

However, the era of cheap funding is over – at least, according to the person who represents the leasing industry, BVRLA chief executive John Lewis.

It puts the pressure on companies to shop around for the best deals. If you outright purchase, you need to be pushing manufacturers hard for discounts. Then push the dealer hard for additional support.

If you lease, don’t just accept one price. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to put all your business with one contract hire company to get the best price. One former leasing company account manager told me that deals are available even if you are placing just one or two cars – and you’ll get the back up support as well. 

Leasing companies want the business; most are targeting small companies but they find it difficult to access the market. Rather than hand them business on a plate, make them work – shop around and get yourself the best deal.