Law firm Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer is to provide Tusker’s SalarySacfrice4Cars (SS4C) scheme as part of its flexible benefits offering, Benefits Plus, to all 1,800 UK staff.

Freshfields has not had a formal company car scheme for many years.

The firm hopes that around 100 members of staff will opt for the salary sacrifice scheme during its first 12 months.

The scheme makes company cars available to staff who would not normally qualify for them.

They benefit from the highest tax savings if the cars are emit under 120g/km of CO2.

So far 10 orders for new cars have been received in the first two weeks since the scheme was introduced.

Freshfields’ employee benefits manager Adam Brooke, said: “Prices typically range from £120 to £450 per month and there is a wide variety of models for staff to choose from, including the latest Audi A3 and BMW models that emit less than 120g/km. This has been important in meeting our environmental objectives."