ATS Euromaster has become one of the first national tyre specialists to be accredited by SAFEcontractor, an independent organisation which assesses the health and safety competency of contractors and service providers.

Many large organisations now use SAFEcontractor as their primary means of selecting suppliers, especially in situations where service providers are visiting their premises to carry out work.

Chris Hufflett, group operations director at ATS Euromaster, said: “We felt that offering SAFEcontractor accreditation would help to highlight our rigorous health and safety best practice to both existing and prospective customers.”

Its accreditation to SAFEcontractor involved an in-depth vetting process, which examined current health and safety procedures and the firm’s track record for safe practice, including policy, risk assessment and first aid. It also checked ATS Euromaster held the relevant public, product and employer’s liability insurance.

SAFEcontractor is operated by the Connaught Group. Those companies meeting the standard are included on a database which is accessible to registered users, via a website