The Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (BERR) is being urged to establish a ‘TrustMark’ initiative for the telematics industry.

“Vehicle tracking technology can save companies thousands of pounds a year, boosting fleet efficiency and productivity, but businesses need help indentifying reputable providers,” said Tony Neill, executive vice-president, Navman Wireless.

“The BERR’s TrustMark scheme has helped empower businesses and consumers to raise standards in the building sector.

"The vehicle tracking industry, which has attracted unscrupulous businesses looking to make quick, easy money at the expense of unsuspecting and badly advised customers, could benefit in a similar way.”

Approved scheme operators would have to meet specific criteria ranging from hardware quality and server hosting standards to adequate IT support.

“Vehicle tracking from a reputable provider offers companies operating fleets one of the most logical solutions to cutting costs,” added Mr Neill.