Fleets operating in the country’s 10 largest urban areas should see a further reduction in travel times after it was confirmed that several major cities have been given extra funding to help reduce congestion under the Government's Urban Congestion Performance Fund.

Over £23 million in extra funding - on top of the £60 million already spent - has been allocated to authorities in Nottingham, Leicester, Greater Manchester, West Midlands, Tyne & Wear, Merseyside, as well as local authorities in the west of England and West and South Yorkshire.

Local authorities in Greater London will receive an extra £3.9 million after exceeding their congestion reduction targets.

"The money will help local authorities give road users in these areas faster, safer and more reliable journeys,” said Transport Minister Paul Clark.

"Congestion has serious consequences for the economy and the environment.

"Across England we have now provided nearly £23 million to the participating authorities to tackle urban congestion which is responsible for 80% of all our congestion problems."

Further funds will be available over the next two years provided the areas continue to exceed their target performance.

The latest awards follow the publication of National Statistics, which showed that congestion has fallen by an average of 3% across the 10 largest urban areas.