Car clubs have recorded big increases in business membership with City Car Club seeing its soar by 109% in 2008.

WhizzGo car club revealed a 42% increase for the same period with more than 2,500 corporate members now making up 48% of its total membership.

The growing popularity of car clubs is being put down to the current economic climate and the need to cut costs, claims WhizzGo.

“Cars are parked in accessible on street bays in convenient locations and can save businesses money compared to paying for private mileage costs, pool cars, traditional car hire and taxis,” explained Steve Gregory, managing director of WhizzGo.

It’s an argument echoed by Camden Council, which said that using pay-as-you-drive car clubs could bring “big savings”, as well as bolster green credentials.

And Portsmouth City Council has launched a scheme with Commonwheels, giving its employees access to two vehicles for as little as £4 per hour.

Meanwhile, London mayor, Boris Johnson, considering an electric hire scheme similar to that being introduced in Paris.

Users would pick up a vehicle in one part of the city and drop it off in another.