Case studies from fleets in the frontline will form the core of the Fleet News Managing Risk in Fleet Conference.

Among the fleet operators speaking at the Zurich sponsored event in April will be the award-winning fleet manager of Inspired Gaming, Gary Black, Lynne Bundle, fleet manager of Pfizer, and Karen Diggle, managing director of Chamberlain Doors.

They will be among a host of fleet managers presenting case studies on their fleet operations for the event, which focuses on financial and corporate risk.

The conference will also provide a chance to quiz Transport Minister Jim Fitzpatrick.

Among the financial issues covered will be a pre-Budget briefing, advice on capital allowance changes and a panel session on cost-effective fleet management to help companies cope with the credit crunch.

The risk management sessions will include an in-depth legal review, analysis of proposals for speed limiters to be fitted to fleet vehicles and a detailed panel session which will answer the safety questions posed by fleet operators over the next few months.

The Fleet News Managing Risk in Fleet Conference takes place on April 2 in Reading.

For details, log onto or to book online click here.

Contact Lorraine Densham on 01733 468859. Alternatively, email