Fleet managers are being told not to neglect their health and safety obligations, despite the tough economic conditions.

Recent research suggests that health and safety, accident prevention and the Corporate Manslaughter Act have dropped on fleet managers’ agendas, as the pressure to reduce cost becomes a priority.

But health and safety experts are warning businesses that there will be no let up from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) this year.

“The economic climate over the next few months is going to be testing, but that doesn’t mean the duties around health and safety have gone away,” said health and safety minister Lord Mckenzie, speaking at the Institute of Occupational Health and Safety conference.

“The HSE and its inspectors will not weaken their position on health and safety,” he continued.

“Skimping on health and safety is wrong – the financial and reputation consequences can be severe.”

For more attend the Fleet News Managing Risk in Fleet Conference next week. Go to www.riskinfleet.co.uk for details.