A research centre aimed at shaping the future of the UK transport industry has been unveiled by transport minister Andrew Adonis.

The £7.75 million programme will be based at Imperial College London as well as University College London and the University of Leeds, and will draw on scientific experts from across the country.

The UK Transport Research Centre (UKTRC) will undertake long and short-term research on a range of issues, including: economic competitiveness; the environment; and technology.

“The research coming out of this new centre will be instrumental in ensuring Britain is at the forefront of new sustainable transport developments,” said Adonis.

Research will include the impact of Government investment in transport infrastructure and its effects on the labour market and the economy.

Other projects will look at ways to improve governance and decision making in the transport system and predict how technological advances in different sectors might affect future transport demand.

Professor Ian Diamond, chief executive of the Economic and Social Research Council, who are joint funders, said: “Providing a strong base of evidence to inform future government policy will be vital, not just to the economic recovery, but to all aspects of society.”