A new car share company is launching this week, aiming to help companies plan staff journeys better and also cut emission levels.

Carbon Heroes aims to put companies in touch with each other, especially those working on the same business park or industrial estate, and let their staff plan journeys so they can share a car.

This will not only apply to people commuting into work, but also for work-related journeys.

At the heart of the business is a database and internet site which allows pre-vetted people to advertise their journeys and look for people who could share a car with them.

The system also uses route-planning software so companies can track the mileage they are saving by getting staff to share a car, and also monitor the reduction in emissions.

Craig Barrack, managing director of Carbon Heroes, said: “There is great potential for car sharing in the UK, as we have the highest car ownership in the EU and the worst congestion.

"That potential is largely untapped and we’re confident that we will launch with a best-of-breed offering.

“Our aim is to increase average car occupancy, reducing carbon emissions by driving fewer miles.

"In the course of this we will also save companies money.”

For more details, go to www.carbonheroes.com