A pan-European police enforcement campaign to target speeding drivers began today.

Coordinated by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL), the campaign is designed to reinforce the message across the roads of Europe that speed kills.

Adam Briggs, deputy chief constable of North Yorkshire and the TISPOL lead on speeding, explained the thinking behind the operation.

“Tackling speeding is, of course, a year-round priority, because excessive speed is so dangerous.

"However, campaigns such as this serve as a reminder to drivers of the relevant facts: namely that speeding is a contributory factor in a huge number of road traffic collisions, and that choosing to drive even a little too fast can make the difference between a safe journey and disaster,” he said.

“Complying with the speed limits could save thousands of lives a year on Europe’s roads.”

TISPOL has been established by the traffic police forces of Europe in order to improve road safety and law enforcement on the roads of the continent.

Its main priority is to reduce the number of people being killed and seriously injured on Europe's roads.

The operation runs for seven days until Sunday 26 April.