With the Government failing to offer fleets incentives to adopt electric cars, the lease industry is taking the initiative.

LeasePlan has just announced a partnership with Renault-Nissan where the two giants will look at ways to promote the use of electric vehicles.

They will pay particular attention to developing solutions for fleets and terms will be agreed whereby Renault-Nissan will supply electric vehicles to LeasePlan and its clients.

“The UK is possibly the most developed fleet market in the world, but even here we’re someway off seeing a fleet industry comprising electric vehicles to any meaningful extent.

"The technology certainly works for some isolated fleets, but a lot of work needs to be done before it is economically viable,” said David Brennan, managing director of LeasePlan UK.

“We believe that this kind of collaborative approach is needed if vehicles are to be developed that truly work within a fleet context.”

Fleets and lease companies have been reluctant to adopt electric cars in any significant number because of several reasons including questions over residual values and the lack of recharging facilities.

It is hoped initiatives such as the LeasePlan/Renault-Nissan agreement will help address some of these.