Total is launching a new fuel card which will enable fleets to track their CO2 emissions based on actual performance, rather than claimed figures.

TotalCard Green provides fleet managers with real-world fuel consumption reports based on the petrol or diesel bought, and then calculates the fleet’s actual CO2 emissions.

Total, which has 850 filling stations throughout the England and Wales then offers advice on implementing a CO2 reduction plan (correct vehicle maintenance, use of advanced fuel and lubricants and advice on driver behaviour) and provides price incentives on advanced fuels such as its Excellium product which is claimed to reduce fuel consumption by nearly 4%.

The fuel company will follow up the plan with reports to show the differences being in both litres and carbon emissions made by following the plan.

Samuel Vermeersch, TotalCard development manager, said: “We know that more and more companies are looking at ways to reduce their carbon footprint and we strongly believe our card will help them optimise their fuel spending and make carbon management much easier for them.”

As part of the scheme, Total will contribute to the Carbon Clear carbon off-setting pro-gramme, based on the fuel volumes bought with the new card, and offer customers the chance to off-set their emissions through the company.

For more information on the card, go to