Peugeot has appointed Jonathan Goodman as managing director of its UK operations from June 1, 2009.

Pierre Louis Colin, who has been managing director for Peugeot in the UK for just over three years, is moving to Paris.

He will head the newly created division in charge of developing both the strategy and the programmes for the next generation of electric and diesel-hybrid vehicles, for the Peugeot brand.

Goodman, 45, is a very experienced member of the Peugeot senior management team having joined the company in 1986.

The first 11 years of his career with the company were spent within Peugeot UK before undertaking a series of roles for Peugeot within Europe.

These included responsibility for MPV product planning, and responsibility for the relationships of a number of central European Peugeot companies with the Paris centre.

He returned to the UK in 2002 to become marketing director for Peugeot UK, followed in 2005 by the post of director of corporate communications for PSA based in London.

Since 2007, he has been the managing director for Peugeot Belgium and Luxembourg.