The Department for Transport (DfT) has extended the subsidy for fleets wanting to take advantage of its SAFED training for van drivers.

The subsidy was due to be reduced (Fleet News 19 March) last month. However, following representations from SAFED, the DfT has agreed to continue to subsidise the training at present levels until the end of September.

This means a company with less than 250 employees will still be charged £100 per driver, while those employing over 250 will pay £150 per driver.

“This action demonstrates the understanding the DfT has of the tough economic challenges faced by fleet operators and helps to ensure that they are still able to benefit from the savings SAFED for Vans driver training can deliver,” said a DfT spokesman.

“This is a ‘special offer’ as it is the last chance that businesses and organisations with more than 250 employees will be able to get SAFED training at a subsidised rate.”

SAFED is currently training 2,000 van drivers a year helping them achieve cheaper, greener and safer driving. It is a one-day course involving a mix of classroom and on-the-road tuition.

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