Leasedrive Velo has launched an online business and private mileage capture and reporting solution.

Mileage:Manager is linked to fuel card invoices and cash receipts and integrates with the company’s payroll and expense management system.

It will be sold either as part of Leasedrive’s fleet management system Drive:Manager or as a standalone product.

Company car and grey fleet drivers enter their mileage details online.

The system then calculates the charges due for any private mileage based on the cost of fuel in the driver’s card, or based on whatever allowance the company wishes to use.

Mileage:Manager can also highlight the effect of vehicle choice, fuel type and driving style to the company and driver.

It is already in use with two of the company’s blue chip customers.

Roddy Graham, Leasedrive Velo commercial director said: “Until now, accurately capturing business and private mileage data from fuel card invoices and integrating them within a company’s payroll and expense management system has been a pipedream.

"Now it is reality.”

Graham believes companies will make significant savings, possibly to the extent of requiring fewer fleet staff.

“Companies could save anything from half a head to a couple of heads’ time – manually inputting this information is very time consuming,” he said.

He expects most of Leasedrive’s 60 core fleet customers to take up the product, and is also keen to market it to non-customers as a standalone offer.

“This will be more difficult because our rivals will fight back, but they don’t have an equivalent now,” he said.

“It might drive them to develop their own integrated and automated system.”