The latest findings from our exclusive Fleet Confidence survey reveals that two-thirds of fleet decision-makers rate the Government’s performance at managing transport as “poor” or “very poor”.

The exclusive survey of Fleet News readers reveals that only 1% of respondents think the Government is “good” at managing transport, 32% rate it “average”, 39% “poor”and 28% “very poor”.

The initial findings are based on the responses of more than 150 fleet managers and decision-makers who have completed the Fleet Confidence survey compiled by Fleet News.

Several fleet managers comment on the lack of a coordinated approach towards transport.

“There’s no consistent joined-up vision for transport policy and I think that’s what the country is crying out for – someone to come up with something that makes sense, fits together and is deliverable,” says one respondent.

“Ministers keep coming up with short-term schemes and changing their minds.

"If I ran a business like they run the Government, we’d be bust,” says another.

Fleets also voice anger at the level of taxation levied on company cars.

“There’s a disproportionate amount of legislation focused on the company car under the guise of the environment,” says one fleet decision maker. Another adds: "It seems that the Government wants people to pay the tax on cars but it doesn’t want them to use them.”

One respondent suggests that the Government still sees the company car as a “cash cow”.

The survey also reveals that most fleet operators (81%) cut their spending last year. And 82% say they will make further cuts this year.

Despite this, many fleets are not confident that they will be able to reduce costs this year.

Almost 50% say they expect costs to rise.

Increased fuel costs is a major factor hindering attempts to reduce costs, but fleets also blame manufacturers and leasing companies for raising prices.

They expect the trend to continue, with 64% predicting that manufacturers and leasing companies will put prices up again this year.

Fleet operators have shared their concerns and expectations with us. Now we want to hear from the industry - manufacturers, leasing companies, rental companies and other fleet suppliers.