Broadcaster and motoring expert Quentin Willson will lead an expert line-up of speakers and panellists at the Fleet News Green Summit on June 24. 

The conference, organised in association with strategic summit partner, the Energy Saving Trust, will include presentations, panel debates and networking sessions designed to help businesses expose and exploit vital cost savings fleets can achieve by introducing fleet management best practice.Among the speakers are double Fleet News Award winner Gerard Finn, car fleet & business travel manager, Avon Cosmetics, Euan Smith, supply chain director, BSkyB and Edmund King, president, The AA.

Issues covered at the conference will include an exclusive guide to the future green vehicles set to arrive on fleets, a detailed guide on the financial benefits of clean fleet management and guidance on the pitfalls fleets need to avoid when running green fleet programmes.

For more information contact Sandra Evitt on 01733 468123 or email

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