The Volkswagen Group is targeting around 240 employees with on-road training after appointing DriveSense to extend their driver training initiative started in 2005.

The group’s blanket approach has been replaced with a more targeted and tailored programme where any training will be designed to meet the specific needs of employees.

“The first phase of the programme provided a good foundation and delivered some excellent results for us,” explained Rob Cooknell, health and safety manager at the Volkswagen Group.

“However, we knew we couldn’t use the same ‘blunt instrument’ of one size fits all to make further progress which we know is possible.”

The company has identified six categories of driver:

  1. drivers with multiple accidents;
  2. those with six points or more on their licence;
  3. young employees;
  4. newly joined foreign staff;
  5. employees who have expressed interest in further training;
  6. and those identified as higher risk during initial assessment.

DriveSense will also incorporate green driving into the training aimed at delivering a 10-15% reduction in fuel usage as well as provide complete project management including scheduling bookings, administration and reporting.